Pieces of April

It's a common misconception
that you can just
stick a turkey in the oven.

Turkey needs to be tended to,
he needs to be cared for lovingly.

One must pay
close attention to poultry.

So much can go wrong.
A turkey can burn in places,
be overcooked, undercooked...

which is a health hazard...
and what about basting?

Look, Wayne,
I'll be up in a second, okay?

The second's up.
Just give me a minute.
- Wait. Here I come.
- I don't think so.

Bernadette has a small bladder,
and if I don't get her outside...

- Can't I just pop my head in?
- I'm afraid not.

- I'll be real quick.
- No.

Do you know that good feeling
that often comes from being helpful?

- Yes.
- I'm not having that feeling here.

Look, I'm sorry. I didn't realize...
So I ask myself,
"Wayne, it's very clear
what you're doing for her,

but what are you
getting out of this?"

I think you need to take
some time and think about that,

so that maybe later,
you help me understand

what I'm getting from this exchange...
if we can even call it an exchange.

Come along, Bernadette.
All crap, Latrell!
