Politiki kouzina

So grandpa will sit here
and his friends there...

No, grandpa will sit there.
Resembles the Last Supper...
No, grandpa will sit here...

Good... And now,
grandpa's friends...

Grandpa's friends are an unusual
clan because they're from lstanbul.

Their origin sets them apart both
historically and biologically.

Can you direct me
to Halcyone Street?

First and foremost,
they are "magnetized."

It's like a compass that with
every geographical question...

it re-orients their identity.
Who they are, their origins
and where they are going.

-That way.
-Thank you...

This idiosyncracy is related
to their dietary habits.

For most, food involves the
sense of smell and taste.

For grandpa's friends it also
involves sound and sight.

Hello to you all! You all arrived
at the same time. Come in!

-Did you find it easily?
-We came from THlSSEAS Street.

But THlSSEAS Street isn't
that way, it's that way.

He's right,
that's how we came.

Should we have
a toast to grandpa?
