He was the one that brought us a
"doudouklou", a pressure cooker...
This card is from
the Acropolis...
this one from San Paolo
and this one from Hamburg.
In Athens women cut onions like
this. In Hamburg like that...
But if a woman makes you sauted mussels,
it means she is in love with you.
I met one
on this trip...
Her name was Zozo, she made the
best mussels in all of Piraeus.
-Why don't you marry her?
-She only cooks mussels!
Savva quick, something's
wrong with the "doudouklou"!
-To hell with the pressure cooker!
-Stay still, uncle...
From the shock, aunt Elpiniki
was cured of her Parkinson's.
Mussels always remind me
of the hammam.
Whenever uncle Emilios would return
from a journey, we'd go there.
I'd hear the elders open their
souls, as mussels do when steamed.
How do things look, Emilio?
There are problems in Cyprus and they
say something is "cooking" in Athens.