You weren't here to see my
shop being burned to the ground.
I'm selling everything and going
to Greece. I need peace of mind.
The thought of leaving
brings on a pain here...
I saw Thrasyvoulos in Athens.
Send him some x-rays to look at.
We went out one night, while
in Athens and talked...
about lnstabul and
the old times...
Wouldn't it be better if they
could talk about these things here?
My dear departed wife said that
when you leave some place...
you should talk about
the place you are going...
not the place you are
leaving behind.
I'm that kind
of person too.
"To leave" means to go elsewhere,
which for us meant to Greece.
Initially I thought Greece
was in America.
Soon however, geography
brought me down.
This is Radio lnstabul,
with the latest news.
Further tension between
Greece and Turkey...
as a result of recent
riots in Cyprus.
In the meantime, the deported
Greek citizens...