Wait... Here it is.
"Dear Thrasyvoule,
I'm sending this x-ray"...
"so that when we meet again
I can have your opinion".
"Don't tell my relatives.
If I do not come...
then give it
to Fanis".
This time I actually thought
he would come. I was certain.
What can we do?
That's how it is.
But you... have travelled the world
and you never went to see him.
Why my son?
Athens, 1 964
Main Course
Who was it that taught you
about King Voulgaroktonos?
All the books write about him
and he ate yellow tail tuna.
-Where did you learn about tuna?
-ln Constantinople we had the best fish!
Sure, whenever the Bosporos overflooded
and the fish came through your windows!