I mean, you got a game
those people never seen.
And quite frankly,
I'd like to see it sometime myself tonight.
You're gonna go in there,
you're gonna bump up the bet...
and you're gonna
close this fucking night out.
So stop wasting my fucking time.
Just do it.
A bottle of Jack.
I'll be a three-legged dog
if I'm not looking at the Side Pocket Kid.
You don't remember me...
but I saw you play once
about 10 or 15 years ago.
I used to wear a rug.
Toupee Jay.
Yeah, that's me.
I saw this kid play one of the best games
I've ever seen in my life.
Couldn't have been more than
14 or 15 years old...
but, man, he could shoot the lights out!
Now look at him. He's all grown up.
You know, I always wondered
what happened to you.
Why you never made it down
to Johnson City.
Well, Jay, I've never been
much of a tournament player.
-There's no money in them.
-No money?
We just held the U.S. Open in Atlanta.
First prize was $100,000.
But you gotta be invited to those things,
don't you?
We did invite you. A couple of times.
I sent the invitations out myself.
I even called and spoke to a backer
you had in those days.
But he said you weren't interested.
Something about...
your parents wanting you to finish school.
What was the name
of that backer you had, anyway?
Was it Joe?
Bet $20,000!
What's the matter? Did I stutter?
Everybody got all quiet, and shit?
About a minute ago,
it was like an evening at the Apollo.
Now, all of a sudden, it's quiet as a church.