You messed
with the wrong guy, motherfucker.
Payback's a bitch, ain't it?
My girlfriend, Tara, was a law school
student from the good side of the tracks.
Her parents had her living in this
fancy apartment for the last four years.
She didn't like me playing pool much.
And I didn't like me much when I didn't.
Now that I've picked up the cue again,
I just hope she understands.
Hi, baby.
I'm sorry that I didn't call. I was....
Fuck! Jesus fucking crap!
Did you forget something?
It's your boss's party tonight,
and I'm supposed to wear a suit, right?
It was my birthday last night, Johnny.
-lt was?
-God damn you.
Why didn't you
say something about it last night?
What's this?
You're playing again, aren't you?
So that's what's more important
than me last night, the fucking game?
Aren't we through with all that?
What about your job with Jack?
What about my job with Jack?
It didn't work out.
Do I look like a construction worker to you?
Give me an Indian and a cop,
I'll sing you YMCA. Is that what you want?
You think I like living with you,
like a kept man?
Breaking my back for peanuts
while you pay the check?
I play pool, Tara. That's what I do.
You know I beat a pro last night?
First time I picked up a cue in forever.
I sent him to the ATM three times.
I've always done what other people
want me to do. You, Joe, everybody.
-Now I'm gonna do what I wanna do.
-ls that why you play? Is it for the money?
You know me better than that.