I got your balls right here,
you Greek bastard.
You don't wanna play this guy, anyway.
He may be a jackass,
but he plays pretty good.
Here, hold my coat, will you? Thanks.
Here, stick around.
Play some cards or something, all right?
Take a cab home. I'm gonna get out of here.
-I wanna go with you, man.
-Just do as I say, all right?
I made a Freudian slip yesterday.
I meant to ask my wife to pass the butter...
but instead I said,
"You bitch! You've ruined my life!"
-That's lovely. Excuse us.
-My pleasure.
-You're late.
-You look fantastic.
You're still late. What took you so long?
You didn't tell me
the guy lived in Sherwood Forest.
It took me an hour to find the place.
I had to leave a trail of breadcrumbs
along the way, to find my way back.
You don't look so bad yourself.
-I can't believe I got you in a suit.
-Me, neither.
It's going back tomorrow.
I know how you hate these things.
Thank you for coming.
No problem.
Here comes the wicked witch of the world.
-Brace yourself.
-Be nice.
There you are. I want you
to meet some friends of mine.
Tara, this is Bernice and Laurence Winthrop.
Richard Illich, and this is Brian Schwartz.
Everyone, this is Tara.