Pride and Prejudice

Oh, it's a disaster, isn't it?
It's been...
- Miss Bennet.
- Mr Bingley.

I'll just go in and I'll just say it.
Yes, exactly.
I'm glad that's over. Now we can
meet as indifferent acquaintances.

Oh, yes.
You cannot think me so weak
as to be in danger now.

You are in great danger of making
him as much in love with you as ever.

- I'm sorry he came with Mr Darcy.
- Don't say that.

Why ever not?
- I've been so blind.
- What do you mean?

Look, it's him.
He's back. He's come again.

I know this is all very untoward,
but I would like to request the
privilege of speaking to Miss Bennet.

Everybody to the kitchen immediately.
Except you, Jane, dear, of course.
Oh, Mr Bingley, it's so good
to see you again so soon.

First, I must tell you I've been the
most unmitigated and comprehensive ass.
