That book is
particularly interesting.
I see. A large book. - Pigs are
large, and books are voluminous.
You used to tell that to
your students
as a professor of literature.
Is that right? - Yes.
Unbelievable. Splendid.
- Just one question, sir.
- But can I ask you something?
Don't call me "sir", please.
It doesn't suit me well.
I've been a comrade,
Mister Teja, for sixty years.
- All right?
- All right, comrade Luka.
I've told you he has a meeting
and you can't come in.
- No, he has a meeting!
- What's the matter, Martha?
He's yelling at me like
I'm that wife of his...
- Why are you shouting, Jovan?
- She won't let me in,
like you are The President
of the United States!
And how do you think you could
get in without an appointment?
Did you visit the ex-manager
whenever you wanted to?
I did not. - You've been
seeing him once a year.
And now you're bursting in
here, yelling your guts out!
You are late for the meeting.
The workers are waiting.
They've been waiting
for sixty years,
now they can wait
sixty minutes!
But Mister Teja, THIS is
not THAT anymore!
Comrade Jovan, THIS is
really not THAT anymore.
The workers are on strike as
of today. I'm the president
of the striking committee.
- Congratulation!
I'll join you too. I didn't get
my salary in two months.
This is about selling
selling this building.
I know. I'II be there
in ten minutes.
- Don't cry, Martha.
- He's yelling at me!
I didn't even touch her. My wife
doesn't cry when I beat her.
That's it!
Get out of here!
Excuse me, you have
a red spot on your collar.
What's going on here?