
In your Oration about a monkey
you said about communists,

"Nature needed a million years
to make a man out of a monkey,

but the Communism needed
only fifty years to turn a man

into a monkey again."
- Splendid! I said that?

- And when was that?
- Here... November 15th 1993.

I was selling newspapers
that night. - Really?

I couldn't come to your table
and say, "I'm a policeman.

Let me sit with you and listen
to what are you talking about."

- I don't remember anything.
- Of course. You were dead-drunk.

I say, "What's up, pigs?
What do you want?"

One of them jumps all over me,
hits me with a club in the head.

- In the head!
- Back here.

Hawk, over!
The bastard is in the bar.

I scream from anger and pain,
jump on my feet,

hit one of them, than the other
one, and the other one...

How many fucking cops
were there?

Thirty or forty of them
at least.

Forty against one!
Forty against a poet!

I get upset and yell, "You
evildoers, shame on you!"

And I start to run and jump
through a closed window.

The glass falls all over
the place, I'm flying, falling.

My whole life flashes before
my eyes.

I see my mother, my father,
my brother...

I'm falling, falling... - How
many stories did you fall from?

I don't know,
but it was very high.

Will someone lick this for me?
Fucking fascists!
You're lucky to be alive.

Hawk, roger!
Hawk is entering the bar.
Tomorrow's papers.
Slobodan Milosevic in Nis.
