- How do you know about my leg?
- I know. I hit you with my car.
You hit me with your car?
And you got off easy.
If I'd been driving a jeep,
it would've taken them three
days to put you together.
You are a monster! A murderer!
- I didn't kill anyone.
- I spent a year in a hospital!
I had four surgeries!
Not two, four!
They've barely managed
to save my leg!
Look what you did to me,
you filthy cop! Take a look!
And here is what you did
to me, you mangy pig!
Martha! Martha!
- What are you doing?
- We're talking.
Why are you taking off
your clothes?
I'm showing him my scar
from the surgery.
- And he's showing me his.
- Why do you do that?
What do you want?
Martha, everything's
going to be fine.
I'll finish this conversation
in five minutes.
- You know how much I love you?
- I know. But who is that man?
I'll tell you all about it
at lunch. Kiss you.
- Five minutes?
- Five.