I'm not mad any more.
Go where you were going.
- Olga, stop it, please.
- I won't stop it.
- I can be mad too.
- What at?
At your boorishness, for example.
- Boorishness?
- Yes.
Forgive me for being boorish.
I didn't mean to.
And you forgive me.
Are we OK?
- It's so hard with you as it occurred.
- Who said it was gonna be easy?
Let's try to avoid such arguments
in the future.
Tell me what annoys you
and I'll try not to do that.
Nothing annoys me.
Ljust don't like being judged.
If we don't fight,
how are we gonna make it up?
What do you mean?
Just as I said. The process
of making up is also a pleasant one.
becomes tenderer and warmer.
Then let's fight again.
I demand a scandal!
- No, I can't.
- Right now!
- How can I offend you?
- You don't have to offend me.
I'll tell you, that you are stupid.
No. Being stupid means
to understand the world differently.
To be stupid is pleasant.
Then I'll call you a smart.
It wouldn't scare me either.
Then I'll tell you,
that we are having a fight,
that I'm upset, disconsolate, unhappy.
I am hurt.
- Start making it up.
- I won't.
- Be closerto me.
- No.
Closer and tenderer!
Otherwise I'll die.
I can die, you know?
I'm dying, I'm dying!
God, I'm dying.