Come out little pig,
or I'll huff and I'll puff...
Is dad still trying for
the Dorkiest Parent Award?
The birds have been up long
singing their happy song.
And you're still abed?
Get up, sleepyhead!
-Magda, where'd you put my keys?
-There just where you left them.
-They're not anywhere.
-Your pockets...
So, youngsters, here's
our Wishes and Complaints Box.
Let's have a look
what's come up this week...
Quiet everyone!
Pavla writes
love letters late at night
and I don't sleep enough to
be in peak condition at school.
when you're in the army,
think what a letter from
a friend will mean to you.
And, Pavla, don't
leave the light on too late.
And the last one...
Instruct your son in the rules
and risks of masturbation...
This is going to be good.
Let's not make a big deal about
it. Everyone has masturbated.
And those
who say they don't still do.