A drop of wine?
I never drink,
let alone in the morning.
Let's just get to it. Firstly,
Mr. Motycka and Mr. Krauze,
whom you negotiated with,
don't work for us any longer.
-That's too bad.
Their work revealed gross
intolerable inefficiencies.
Next, these are
meteorological reports
for the date
you stated on the form.
Here and, indeed,
practically all over Europe,
May 15th was sunny,
without any precipitation.
Can you explain why,
in a period
of below average rainfall,
your studio was the only thing
far and wide damaged by,
and I quote, "A great downpour"?
What am I to conclude?
A local storm?
I spoke with your neighbors.
Not one can remember any rain
for the past three weeks.
Their vegetables are drying up.
A local cloud?
Insurance isn't a joke.
Nor is this
the first suspicious claim.
-Just a moment.
-No, not a moment. -No moment?
Look here, ma'am
- or is it miss?
Are you trying to suggest
that my husband is lying?
I'm not suggesting anything;
it's here in black and white.
On that day it rained
in Oslo, Riga, and Minsk,
in Central and Western Europe.
Don't leave...