I'll stuff it in this pen...
to keep it nice.
-Put it in!
-I've got to mortar it in...
How long have you been here?
I heard it all.
I agree
and will undersign all points.
-He's one of us.
-Can I have a moment, Bedrich?
What happened?
Dammit, professor, out with it.
Rybalko is ours!
-I'm finished...
-No, you're just beginning.
Super civvies.
Super Casio. Super Adidas.
Hair wasted...
-How's your sis?
-You're single.
-You didn't write for six months
-I was in an avalanche.
-I got slammed by an avalanche.
I couldn't write
with frozen fingers.
And you survived?
I bounced.
All you have to do is bounce.
When you bounce your knees flex.
That way the mid-sized
avalanche isn't a real threat.
You can deal, but you got
to dig a space around you.
Then you spit to know
where you got to dig.
Hi. Something happen?