
Show good faith by divorcing me.
You make a scene now, for them,
but the truth is you really hope

I'll lick someone's ass. But
after what's happened, my dear,

my choice of butts
is few and far between.

-Go change your diapers.

-Butts all around are clenching.
-I'm glad you're having fun.

You've gotten me into this
and I can't get out. I admit it.

Sorry to interrupt, but I just
want to get something straight.

You were the ones
who got Bedrich into this mess.

What mess?
Spring motifs,
the dickhead behind me...

-What? -You mean the general?
-Yes. -We call him dickhead.

You found
a commission for some fine folk.

Bedrich could have been
selling his banks in peace

and not
gotten messed up with you.

Dammit, Alena, be fair.
They tried to help me.

That's rich! Hear what she said!
Listen, Bedrich and Fá bera,

that bearer of good tidings,
came crawling to me!

You're saying
you didn't ask me for anything?

Who bombarded me with calls?
Who brought up the old days?

Guess who was promised
the mosaic? Krutner!

-The Party pig?
-Who kept saying:

Mára's got to work? Who begged
me for any commission?

-Don't piss me off! I begged?!

No, you're too sophisticated,
you hypocrite!

You had an efficient
intermediary: Prof. Trashcan.

Surprisingly efficient.
Where'd all the sudden
pity come from, Magda?

Old times' sake?
Maybe I couldn't stand seeing
his name on those eared asses.
