
The lot of us makes me sick.
-Me too? -All of us.
-You know what can happen?

-No, what?
-We have to get the jump on them

List all the Communists
and cops whose kids you teach.

Finally, a rational approach.
-In case some kids are failing?
-What planet are you on?

Ever heard
of any of their kind failing?

Maybe one's
hovering between a C and D.

You're nuts. You really
think they want to crucify us?

This isn't about you. You'll
keep grunting out those banks.

Maybe you're even flattered
to hear your name on the radio.

Say hello to your son, Matej,
for me.

Tell him comrade principal
did all he could

so he
could go to a normal school,

but then his father,
in a stupor,

cried on the shoulder
of some psycho graphomaniac.

Okay, that's enough.
It's pointless.

Maybe no one will even notice.
Maybe it'll just go away.

If not, who can prove anything?
It was all Fá bera's initiative.

Who else's? I've never
seen him in my life.

-What was the name?
-Prof. Fá bera? -Who's he?

-Where did they read our names?
-I never listen to it. -Yuck!

First of all, we've got
to get our stories straight...

I'd relax. No one even
listens to that art gibberish.

But to the station, yes!
Come and get the stuff tomorrow.
And I was never even here.

I never got anything from you,
I don't want any trouble.
