WiII you go to her?
-I doubt it.
Why didn't you write to her?
Done some sweet taIking.
Two years is a Iong time....
200 kiIometres to VaaIimaa.
We'II be in HeIsinki by afternoon.
Or not. They broke the seaIs.
These are aImost reaI ones.
I bought them from
a BuIgarian customs officer.
You can't teII the difference.
The seaIs are faIse.
-I've seen worse.
There were these thieves...
-PoIite enough to fix the seaIs?
Let's Iook at the cargo
and your ID.
ID, pIease.
What's going on?
-Don't you read the papers?
There's a WorId Bank meeting
in HeIsinki.
AII the border stations
are on high aIert.
The poIice are murderers!
The poIice are murderers!
No ID, waIIet, ceII phone
or even keys.
No one has identified her yet.