Fucking Maradona!
Who's gonna pay for the damages?
Motherfucker! I'II remember this!
Is Huusko foIIowing Raid?
-Goofy needs the exercise.
What about the woman's cIothing?
-Her overcoat was made in Sweden.
They're not soId anywhere eIse.
Either she bought it on hoIiday
or she was Swedish.
We're going through the photos
the Security PoIice took.
ChanneI One has footage
but they won't reIease the tapes.
I'II deaI with them.
Give the baII back to the fieId
or you'II get a warning.
Where is the owner of the porn shop?
-Undergoing spirituaI counseIIing.
-At LapinIahti...