Let's put it this way.
Which functions of society...
Who's in that taxi?
-A cop with taxi vouchers.
He freed Sundman, beat up three
peopIe and stoIe a car.
ShouId I continue surveiIIance?
-Do that.
If I see criminaI activity,
what shouId I do?
The usual. Don't interfere -
unless children or animals
are in danger. -Roger.
Why did you come back to FinIand?
Nasty weather, nasty peopIe.
AII the oId houses have been
torn down, ugIy ones buiIt instead.
Good friends stabbed,
bad ones in parIiament.
You came here for her.
Love commands and you poor sod obey.
I know where she Iives,
in KaitaIahti.
Not anymore. She died in a fire.
Ten days ago.
Was it an accident?
We need a pIace to stay.
-Lose the taxi. I know a pIace -
but they don't Iike cops.
You can trust Mehtonen. Men
and cars are in good hands here.