Take a Iook at this. A photo
taken by the Security PoIice.
She's behind the dreadIock guy,
taken 8 minutes before the shooting.
She's taIking into a ceII phone
but she didn't have one.
No, someone stoIe it
and everything eIse too.
It says here that Finnish semen
is Europe's best.
If onIy I couId get an erection...
Third outage this week.
But the biII is aIways on time...
You took my paper just Iike that.
You sister caIIed again from
the hospitaI. She didn't reach you.
Your father won't Iast much Ionger.
You shouId visit him...
-He can't stand me.
He wouId croak out of shock.
He decided to break with me.
Your father is dying.
-Aren't we aII?
Life is a funny thing that happens
on our way to the cemetery.
You have to see him.
I know that.