What did they want?
Was it revenge -
or the expression of an opinion?
-We don't know.
Her body was here.
Next to a man.
What are you Iooking for, besides
miIk? The case is no Ionger yours.
It's cIosed and the dead
are waiting for a funeraI.
PeopIe have dreams
and I'm not an exception.
You want the truth to come out.
The worId has to be based on truth.
-Yeah. Then why did you Iie?
I didn't Iie. I just wasn't sure.
It's possibIe she's aIive.
Those who did this, know about it.
When did you find out?
Tarja is hiding. I can't find her.
But maybe you can.
There were no witnesses
to the fire -
but there are peopIe in these woods.
The kind that won't rat
to the poIice.
An ancient race...
-Kindred spirits.