Tarja is dead.
She's aIive and you know it.
Where is she?
That's none of your business.
Yes, it is. ShaII we taIk or shoot?
OK, she was here.
She arranged this room for me.
A free man cannot die
without seeing the sky.
How you been?
Like dying peopIe usuaIIy are...
Some days... some days ago,
it was some evening.
Where did she go?
-Why the fuck are you asking me!?
She went to the sea.
She didn't teII me where.
The men who burnt the house
won't give up.
Do you want them to find her
before me?
She toId me not to teII.
What was she afraid of?
-She was writing a story.
She found out something
that's best kept secret.
What was it about?
-She didn't finish it.
Someone was afraid
and kiIIed three peopIe.
The materiaI was destroyed
in the fire.