When I worked at
the Energy Company -
poIitruks opposed privatisation.
The state-owner has to act
Iike a professionaI investor.
What is your opinion -
of CRC's manager, Nardi Dei?
I don't trust anyone
who fIaunts his women in pubIic.
-lt's Sanna.
They don't know a Lundström or
Malmberg at the Attac association.
No one by that name
is even missing.
ReaIIy? Did Goofy trace that caII?
Not yet. He'll be here shortly.
l'm at the coroner's office.
You better get over here.
Hi... I feIt Iike drinking...
Do you stiII have the boat
or did you drink that too?
It's at the pier.
Mehtonen has the keys.
Are we going saiIing?
-I am. I couId've used you.
Maybe I better get going...
No cremation. The coffin
must have a pIain wood surface.
None of those
fancy ornaments -
and no femaIe priests.
Don't invite any famiIy
from my brother's side.
Let's do it among ourseIves.