WeII, she was cremated.
On whose orders?
There was some mix-up
with the paperwork...
On whose orders was there a mix-up?
-Excuse me...
Sometimes babies are mixed up.
-No, at the maternity ward.
Is stupidity an excuse for you
not to think?
Where was the caII made? -There's
one base station before the open sea.
Either from a boat or a Iighthouse
isIand caIIed KaIIboda.
West of Harmaja.
We used to be a family
when Tarja was a child.
l was a lighthouse keeper
during summers.
l have forgotten the exact location
but not the summers.
Who's on an isIand?
I didn't know you speak French.
-I studied it at university.
Sometimes studies
can be harmfuI for you...
Put your pants on.
My next cIient is coming.
Interesting buckIe.
Another cIient of mine had one too.