We don't have an officiaI status
in Sweden.
Neither does their Security PoIice
in FinIand. They stiII stoIe a body.
Are you Tittonen?
Chief Secretary Tittonen. -You
visited a certain woman many times.
That information is incorrect,
I think.
''Tittonen, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Rubber cIothes, pays extra.''
Do you think you can bIackmaiI me?
For a guy using rubber cIothes
you're not very fIexibIe.
She was murdered.
Do you want to know who we suspect?
Who's the asshoIe
who smokes French cigarettes?
Have you thought about the
officer academy, sergeant?
It couId be your turn.
She met with the kiIIer
because of you. Who is he?
I cannot discuss matters of state
with a junior officiaI. -You must.
..I'm angry.
He's feeIing better.
There's some booze Ieft.
''The SnakebuckIe is known
as the Legionnaire.''
''He Iives in Espoo.
If I'm not here, I'm there.''
He took a gun.
-Here's the address.