Who do you work for?
-That's a trade secret.
Save your buIIets.
I know who he works for.
That fake count rented this pIace
but the owner's name is HoIIander.
I saw this man that night.
Why did you kiII my friends?
-It was pure business.
You had to be scared off.
KiIIing is the best way.
What are they up to with the deaI?
-I thought you knew...
Want to try with a Ioaded gun?
The purchase price
has been budgeted aIready.
If we don't make a decision
we wiII have a 20 biIIion deficit.
I don't see any aIternatives.
Let's vote. AII in favour
of Minister Hinkkanen's proposaI?
The vote is unanimous.
The saIe wiII be speeded up.