Her body was brought to Sweden.
They didn't want an incident.
What is he saying?
-Talk to Gunde.
lf Lundström's case is kept secret,
he'll be grateful.
Are you Gunde?
-Sometimes, sometimes not.
An international incident wouldn't
be in anyone's best interests.
We made a terrible mistake.
l apologise.
Lundström's lD and passport.
lnstead of Attac
it would've been wiser -
to infiltrate the Finnish
and Swedish governments.
Vattenfall deal was
small-scale money-laundering.
But the Finnish National Energy
Company deal -
is a large-scale
money-laundering scheme.
BIack money from Moscow,
St. Petersburg, Azerbaidzhan -
CoIombia, Luxembourg.
Twenty biIIion.
They're bIind if they don't know it.
-Not necessariIy.