Who is HoIIander?
-A dummy.
The greatest dummy of aII time.
He Iaunders money.
Eats shit and defecates goId.
-Who? Me?
There's no evidence.
We can't open bIack accounts.
Any inteIIigent pIans?
-I doubt it.
Let's try something eIse...
When the privatisation of state-owned
companies was being impIemented -
the cabinet agreed that jobs,
security and environmentaI issues -
wouId not be jeopardised.
They are in the terms of saIe.
The NationaI Energy Company
is to be soId to GIB Corp.
The decision is unanimous.
Any questions?
If the company is run poorIy -
why not change the management
instead of seIIing it?
PeopIe demand more money
for heaIth care and education.
Where do we get that money from?
Do you want higher taxes?
We have a petition of 400,000 names
opposing privatisation.
Don't you care about pubIic opinion?
The HeIsinki Attac association has
evidence that the deaI is a hoax.
The seIIer and buyers met a year
before the bidding competition.
Documents prove that the buyer
does Iarge-scaIe money Iaundering...