The morning news said HoIIander's
ship hit a wartime sea mine.
The cabinet is Iooking for a buyer.
-Leaders' stupidity never ceases.
How are you feeIing?
I'm in a reaIIy shitty mood.
ShaII we go for coffee?
-If you pay for the donuts.
A crime reporter is caIIing asking
why the count was reIeased.
Comedians don't beIong in jaiI.
Why doesn't this foam?
-It's haemorrhoid cream.
Are you going on a Iong trip?
-I bought a fuII tank.
What's this?
-Your firm.
I asked niceIy and they signed it.
How niceIy did you ask?
Where are you going?
What about Tarja?
-She'II manage. I won't.