So, Victor, how was your day?
Don't push it.
What you did wasn't funny.
Funny. Do you wanna
talk about funny?
Was it funny when you pissed
on my shoes or tried to cut my hair?
You know what? It don't matter,
because by the end of this week...
...you won't be able to step a foot
outside without somebody laughing.
You'll always be known as Fat
Donna's man, and that will be funny.
Yo, what the fuck you doing, man?
Oh, my God.
Can't you pass the ball?
Yo, little man! Yo!
Over here. Over here.
You. Can I talk to you
for a minute?
-I'm trying to play a game here.
-Let me talk to you.
Let me ask you a question.
I saw you kissing
on Juicy Judy yesterday.
And I wanted to ask-- Yo, nice work.
What I'm saying, what's your secret?
She's my sister, you asshole.
My fault. I'm sorry
I called your sister ''juicy.''
-But I'm saying-- What's your name?
You look like a dude
I could talk to.
I could ask favors for because
we're here, man. You know?
Yo, can you do me a big favor?
Let me guess. You want me
to hook you up with my sister.
You didn't even let me talk.
Can I talk?
What if a person came up to you
wanting to go out with your sister?
My sister Vicki is ugly and fat.
Nobody ain't gonna like her.
-Vicki what?
-What do you mean, Vicki what?
-Her last name?
-Vicki De La Cruz.
That's her last name. My last name's
Vargas. You like that one? It's better?