
She's a public menace.
The cops ought to take her away
in handcuffs.

It's high time she left for Milan.
We can't have a woman like her
around here.

- She's nothing but a troublemaker.
- She's a raving lunatic.

- What do you expect? She's a
mess. - And she takes it out on us.

Grazia, come out here.
We need to talk.

- About what?
- Sit down.

If you don't tell her, I will.
There's a doctor in Milan
who can help you.

We've already called him.
Help me doing what?
We can't go on living like this.
You have to go. Be reasonable.

I'm not moving from here.
You're going to Milan
and that's final!

- I'll kill myself.
- Calm down.

Don't tell me to calm down!
You're the one who should leave!

- Get out of my house!
- Marinella, her shot!
