l'm Valentina Ristuccia..
..and l'm not a good girl.
Good girls go to heaven,..
..l want to go everywhere.
We're tired of the Communist's
party-dominated games.
They've governed for 40 years.
Even if they haven't,
it's the same.
We want to seal a pact
with the residents,..
..because we're not post-Fascists,..
..or post-Communists.
Not even post-Socialists!
We are us!
Barnum Pineapples.
They use pesticides
without protecting their workers.
Cordoba Corn,
the only acceptable one.
The others hire children
and prohibit unions.
How do you know all this?
l inform myself.
l like hearing you say things
l don't know.
At least you'll learn something.
What are you doing?
Why did you kiss me
at Francesca's party?
Because l felt like it.
And now?
l don't know.
Know what infibulation is?
Know what infibulation is?
What is it?
l don't feel like telling you.
Sure you don't want to come?
Don't insist.
lt took me three days to recover
from the last get-together.
- How do l look?
-Same as always.