Veal stew in cream sauce,
and apple pie.
- Cheese?.
- No, my cholesterol.
A little wine?.
At 1 22 Euros a bottle?.
It's not much.
Wine should be included
in the daily rate!
The girls too, huh?.
Wine, girls, and cigars are extra.
Got any half-bottles?.
The man we want has friends,
I've made the list. About 20.
Interrogate them... Our way!
Those who don't know, won't talk.
Too bad for them.
But one of them will know.
And he'll talk!
Had a nice week-end, boss?.
What do you care?.
Just asking...
So you can tell your godfather?.
Not at all.
You play the ponies?.
No, I can't afford it.
But I'm perfecting software to win.
I enter the winning horses,
check them out...
You're a dreamer.
I love it, boss!
Stop calling me boss!
Did you do that?.
No, that wasn't us.
If I get the slightest proof,
God help you!
You're dead!
Cut it out!
Sorry, he's a bit edgy these days.
Don't hit me, I'm a cop!
You're dead!
Don't worry, it's not you.