Now, you let him go!
If I knowed the last bug I eated
would be the last bug I eated,
I would've
eated it slower.
Look! Growed-up feetprints!
I bet
they're Nigel Strawberry's!
Let's go!
You know, it's lots easier going
potty in the drainforest
than at home.
And you don't have to worry
'bout getting any on the floor
or the walls or anything.
Guys? Uh...
Wait up!
Uh, uh, guys?
Excuse me, I'm looking
for a clouded leopard.
Have you seen any around?
Sure. There's
one at the...
You'll never believe
what I just saw!
There's a little girl at camp,
and she's a miniature Debbie!
In every way.
She's bossy, she's loud...
she's hideous!
Darwin, look!
A dog?
What's he doing here?
Oh, spreading his fleas
on an unsuspecting world.
Come on.
Hey, hey, hey.
Could you give a dog
a little warning?
I'm trying
to do my business here.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
You know, it's funny.
For a minute there
I thought I actually heard you
talking to me.
You talking to me?
Are you talking to me?
Yeah, I can talk
to animals.
It's a long story.
Should we come back?
Ah, no problem; I'm done.
I was just marking.
Spike was here!
Uh, sorry. I know...
Where are my manners?
I am Spike.
Full name: Down Spike! Down!
Get Off That Couch!
I'm Eliza,
and this is Darwin.