What if I never feel
their sticky jammy fingers
poking in my ears again?
What if I never find a floating
diaper in my doggie bowl?
What if...
Spike! Snap out of it!
Right, right, right, right.
Not helping. Not helping.
Focus, focus, Spike.
What does "focus" mean?
Right, right.
But who's going
to sneak me donuts?
Come on, we're almost there.
These are much better
than the cookies we gots
back at the grass hut,
and I don't have to share
with no dumb babies.
I mean, um,
dumb baby savages.
Tell me about it.
I have to share with a pigtailed weirdo,
a jungle freak,
and a monkey in a tank top.
Uh, refill.
Why do I have to get it?
You said you
wanted to learn
how to be
bossy, right?
This is how
you learn.
Extra ice, two straws.
I would trade the monkey
for her any day.
Debbie, come in. Over.
Hey, Mom, how's it going?
It's not going at all.
Have you heard from your father?
No, but get this, Mom.
Tell me later, honey.
Be back soon.
Angeli-tiki is nobody's lackey.
Hey, lady!
What's that
bubble thing?
A bathysphere.
It goes underwater.
You know,
like a submarine.
Getting thirsty here!
That girl's
even bossier than me.