Oh, this is very strange.
I feel like this
has happened before.
Look at them...
chasing their own tails.
If only I could tell them
that it doesn't work.
I know, I've done it.
I've chased my tail
a million times.
It does not work.
It's getting a signal!
I'm very impressed.
Oh, Stu's an inventor.
Runs an ad in the shop-and-buy.
Girls, have you seen
some children?
Just a bossy 3-year-old
who has delusions
of being a princess.
-I'm the boss
-of this bathie thing.
-That's her!
We haven't moved a bit,
That's Susie.
She must have turned on
the radio in the bathysphere.
A 3-year-old's driving
the bathysphere?!
What the heck?
Hey, it's no problem.
We can track them by
radar from the Comvee.
Uh... yeah. Except...
I sunk the Comvee.
You what?!
I'm beginning to think you
tooked this scrubmarine
without permission,
Oh, you think you're such
a know-it-all, Carmichael.
Now, here's the right button.
You need this to drive.
Now, here's
the other right button.
Oh, I can't get a signal.
We've got to try to reach them
on your coconut.
Uh-uh, Carmichael.
Hello. Calling Angelica.
She really did give me
cream soda.
Angelica, Susie.
Can you hear me?
You didn't have permission,
Stop fighting this instant
and listen to your father!