- You're too attached to that soda, Gus.
- Love that stuff.
The wife would have my behind
if she busted me sucking that down.
Why, is she a Mr. Pibb fan?
You know the deal, Jim.
When we got married,
I converted to Mormonism.
We can't consume anything
that alters our state of mind.
We treat our bodies with respect.
And I treat mine
like an amusement park.
It's the differences
that make this country great.
Need them cleaned
by the morning, boys.
You were supposed to have
it in a half-hour ago.
What, your boy gonna report me
to the captain?
Just for thinking you look good
in that mustache.
Your mom seems to like it, though.
So does your sister.
Hey, sarge, welcome back.
- Look who's back.
- Welcome back, sarge.
What's up, Hondo?
Hey, sarge.
- Howdy.
- What do you need?
Sgt. Hondo? You're back.
You know what they say, Gus.
You're either SWAT or you're not.
Yes, sir. What can I do for you?
Oh, just a tune-up.
But please, don't touch my sights.
- And I made some modifications...
- To the trigger too.
- And you are?
- Jim Street.
Yeah, we'll leave them intact.
- I need that back by tomorrow.
- Can do, sergeant.
- Good to see you.
- Good seeing you.