- No one knows I'm here?
- Just me.
Where do you wanna go?
It's my uncle's birthday.
I want to surprise him.
If you want me to come by
and mow your lawn later...
...I'm available, sergeant.
- I'll keep that in mind.
Call me Hondo.
I was a Marine. Did two years
in Nam, recon unit.
Spent the next four teaching
combat survival. You serve?
- Yeah.
- Navy SEALs, right?
- That's what my file says.
- So, what did you do for them?
Besides rescue Marines
when they got lost?
You sniper detail,
amphibious assault, what?
My boat-crew leader always said
if anyone knew what we did...
...we'd failed.
That's fair enough.
So where are we going, Hondo?
What say we go see what
the weather's like in South Central?
Tell us where your boyfriend is.
Look, I don't speak Spanish!
Tell me where your boyfriend is!
You're not helping him any!
You're not...
Somebody here gonna get locked up!
R-61-15 in foot pursuit.
Suspect headed south,
west of Defiance.
One black male in Lakers purple.
Repeat: One black male
in Lakers purple.
That's our guy talking.
Where's he at?
What the hell you doing, Navy SEAL?
- Oh, hell yeah! Get on, baby, get on!
- Come on!