Hands. Hands!
Hands. Show him your hands.
Where are they?
- They said they were gonna kill me.
- They're not coming back.
Down the shaft.
Where'd they go?
10-David, this is 70-David.
Suspects have entered
what appears to be a storm drain...
...approximately a quarter-mile
north of Metro Center.
Roger that, 70-David.
We'll deploy above ground
We're going in after them.
This shaft intersects
with the storm-drain system.
They could pop out of any manhole
in a five-mile radius.
- How many manholes are we talking?
- 6000.
Six thousand?! I can't cover 6000...
R-Commander, 10-David.
Put that airship down
and give me...
...a command post
at Sixth and Hope Street.
And give me a landline, Code Two.
70-David to 10-David.
70-David to 10-David.
70-David to 114.
Do you read me?
70-David to 114.
Do you read me?