S Club Seeing Double

This is Tough Sirloin
Meet me at the wall

Now, settle down Be quiet
I've got two friends I'd like you to meet
This is Mr Walker He's a naughty dog
And this is Rafferty He's a nice dog
Now, one day, Mr Walker
decided he wanted to go to the beach

So he got on his little spotty trunks,
and off he went Bye- Bye

Right, who's gonna go first, then?
Rach, you go

If I don't make it, will you tell my mum
I wanna be buried in my violet dress

Not the one I wore for my sweet 16,
but the one with the sandals

Now, Rachel
Okay, I can do this
Mr Walker's swimming trunks
were too small

because Mr Walker
had a big, fat tummy

- We can't make our way through that
- It's the only way of getting past the dogs

Stop, stop
Okay, Tina, come here
Okay, go, go, go!
Don't pay any attention to that
Do you wanna listen to my story or not?
That's better
Come on Quick, this way
Down here

- Jo, stop pushing
- You're going the wrong way

- It's this way
- Wait for us

I'm trying my best
- Come on, Teen
- Jo, get off my back
