Hey, bastard. Give me that.
Can't you even shovel right?
Watch me.
Loosen the dirt first.
Then push with your foot.
- Kwang-ho!
- Yes?
You punk.
Did you come here to play?
You know where this is?
We came here to bury you.
What? Why?
Because you won't
listen, you bastard.
- I'm a good boy.
- Then tell me!
Out here in the fresh air.
With that face.
Hey, come here.
Women hate this
face, don't they?
They grimace and all
fucking run away.
It's true.
I'll kill them all.
Everyone who
grimaces at my face.
I'll kill them all.
Those women who grimace,
they're all in my head.
- Hyang-sook too?
- Hyang-sook?
Hyang-sook. You always
followed her around.
- Hyang-sook is pretty.
- Oh yeah, she's pretty.
But Hyang-sook
grimaced too, huh?
She said, "Fuck, get away!"
didn't she?
Because you liked her.
So you killed her, huh?
By the train tracks.
In that rice paddy.
The train tracks? Right.
Her throat. Hyang-sook's throat...
..strangled it tightly.
- With what?
- Her brassiere.
With her white brassiere,
strangled her tightly.
- And then?
- Her stocking.