- No, this guy here...
- Shut up! Look here.
You've done well,
now let's finish this.
Since she hit me
like this with the rock,
I must have lost consciousness?
And after lying there a while,
I woke up, and looking around...
I was in the bottom
of an outhouse! A shithouse!
And maggots were
creeping all over the place!
Not the outhouse again.
So after brushing them off,
I grabbed some straw,
and pulled myself up.
Even in a dream, it's hard.
But then I saw,
this wasn't someone's home,
it was a school toilet.
Walking to the playground,
I saw huge swarms of girls,
so many, and the smell...
Wait! Over here.
Where did you hear about
that school outhouse?
Everyone knows that story.
I saw it in a dream.
From below the gas attack,
run in a direction...
...perpendicular to the wind.
- Understood?
- Yes, sir.
Put it down. Hey!
Pretend you're dead!
Last time, who told you that
story about the outhouse?
You came because of that?