Because the DJ introduced it
with some very striking words.
She mentioned you, and
the many postcards you sent.
If you heard it,
you couldn't have forgotten.
Tell me! If you really
listened to the end.
I don't remember.
You don't remember?
Should I explain it for you?
This is the recording of
yesterday's program.
Last night, you sat
listening to this song.
Outside the rain was
pelting down, you listened,
and soon you started
itching with excitement.
There's something you always
do when you hear this song.
You heard a TV program playing
in the room of your landlady,
you left the lights on in your
own room and crept outside.
And in the pitch dark,
you wandered here and there.
Who will it be today?
You hid in a reed field,
waiting for a woman to pass.
The rain drenching you.
But you find all this pleasurable.
Stimulating, right?
So yesterday you stuffed
this in that woman's body!
You remember how
many pieces it was?
One piece,
- Three pieces...
- Shut up!
Four, five...
six, seven, eight...
Shut the fuck up!
I told you not to hit him.