Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's getting thick up in here.
Hey, look, before we get on
with the battles tonight,
I got a couple announcements
to make.
I know y'all want to bust a cap
in the air
for your favorite rapper.
But if you could please hold on
to your gunfire
until the end of the show.
Let's just put the safeties on.
It's on the left side of the gun
above the trigger guard.
Will somebody get his ass
out of here?
All right.
Deejay, spin that shit!
My bad.
Brenda, is something wrong?
You look scared.
I don't know. All that stuff
you was saying on TV...
I just got a weird feeling
something bad is heading my way.
Like when you see
an Asian person
behind the wheel of a car.
Cindy, after the show, you think
you could come back to my crib
and hang out with me?
I don't want to be alone.
Oh, of course I will, Brenda.
Oh, I love you.
Pay my way, okay?
Yo, yo, yo, George!
What's up with the man
with the tightest rap game
on the streets, baby?
- What's good with you, boy?
- Dude!
What's good, baby?
Finally, the white man is gonna
school the black man
on how to rap.
- Yeah!
- Yeah. Yeah, I guess.
How many people are here,
you think?
I don't know, man.
100, 200 whitey-hating,
ready to bust a cap
in any white boy's ass
- who ain't bringing that shit.
- Yeah. At least. Yeah.
What's wrong, George?
You ever wonder when it's time
to stop living up here
and start living down here?
No, but what if we stop living
over here and move over there?
My Aunt ShaNeequa used to live
over there, man.