- Aah!
- Aah!
Hello, Father.
Don't call me Father.
I haven't been
a clergyman since...
I'm sorry about that night.
If I hadn't fallen asleep
while driving
for that exact 20 minutes.
If I hadn't drank that exact
whole bottle of Jägermeister.
If only I hadn't killed
that hooker.
I don't see what any of this
has to do with Annie.
I'm sorry.
Those were other nights.
But if it had been that night,
I might have missed her.
That terrible night.
It's your wife, Father.
She's hurt.
She was hit by a truck,
and she's pinned against a tree.
I don't understand.
As long as the truck has her
pinned, she'll stay alive.
I still don't get it.
This is your wife.
She broke her wiener?
Look what happens to the taco.
Look, I don't understand
all this fancy medical lingo.
I want to see Annie.
She's split in half.
You mean like down-the-middle
in half?
At the waist.
You mean this is the last time
I can talk to the top half?
The truck is the only thing
that is holding her together.
Let's say this is
her bottom half.