Linda's built for two,
and she vibrates.
Stop it! Just tell me
what I need to know.
Who is that little girl?
Okay, okay.
My wife and I wanted a child,
but she couldn't get pregnant.
Neither could I.
So you adopted.
We loved our daughter,
but she was evil.
Made the horses crazy,
killed our puppies,
hid the remote.
Really sick shit.
My wife took her
to the old family farm
and drowned her in the well.
I felt a simple time-out
would have been sufficient.
But Tabitha imprinted her evil
on a videotape.
I never meant for it
to get out, but...
But what?
I put it in the wrong box
and returned it to Blockbuster,
instead of my copy
of "Pootie Tang."
It's been circulating
and killing ever since.
Just like "Pootie Tang."
But what does this
have to do with aliens?
I don't know.
Perhaps Tabitha's summoning them
to kill us all.
An alien invasion?
I have to warn the world.
It's already begun.
You're too late.
Oh, my God.
But not too late
to make an old man happy.
And now reports of lights
in the sky.
Glimpses of spacecraft.
Possible alien sightings being
reported all over the world.
Are they aliens?
The first video images
are coming in.
Disturbing home video tonight
from a ranch
outside Sydney, Australia.
Watch very carefully now.
There it is.
Let's see that again.
Very, very disturbing.
And this just in
from Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Let's see that again.
Very, very disturbing.
And this just in
from South Texas.
Do they pose a threat?
Only one thing's for certain.
We are all going to be killed.
We have to board up the house.