Is it coming this way, Dad?
- Yea, I'm afraid it is.
Take our things back in.
Easy, easy.
Take it easy now.
That's a good boy. Easy.
Good boy.
Are you sure about this?
I wish you wouldn't go now.
Don't worry, if I hurry I'll be
in the office before it hits.
I don't want you to go.
Please don't go.
I still have to amend a will.
It can't wait, sweetie.
Bye, princess.
Don't be silly, girl.
Come, let's go inside.
Okay, I'll do that.
Thanks, see you.
It's headingt his way, over the
Waddenzee to the coast and to Lenten.
And Lenten is going to be hit very hard.
Zwart, sound the alarm.
The tornado is heading for our town.
Did you hear me?
Don't just stand there.