No lnjurles were reportedln the
5.6quake, the thlrdthlsmonth.
Unheardoflnitsselsmlc hlstory.
Elsewhere, the heat contlnues to rlse.
Recordtemperatureshave lgniteda
rashofflrestormsacross the natlon.
The sclentlstsare wonderlng:
I'll tell you what 's up with her.
She's mad as hell and
she ain't gonna take it anymore.
Maybe it 's just her time of the month.
You really are an asshole.
-I was just growing fond of jerko.
-Well, consider this a promotion.
Ten hut!
At ease.
-I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
-Mr. President.
-I don't know what to say.
-That 's a first.
This is Janet Hill,
National Security Advisor.
And General Thomas Moore.
We've been discussing your findings.
They were right, weren't they?
I've been trying to get someone
to listen for months, but l...
Special Agent Kellaway.
And I believe you know Dr. Sallin.
-You look well.
-So do you.
That makes sense, considering the
fat check you get for selling out.
Ding ding.
Round one to volcano girl.
Welcome back. It 's been awhile
since you disgraced these halls.
Sure has, sir.
How's Mrs. President?
She's fine.
She's over in Europe.
With asecurity detail that
won't try to proposition her.
-I'll tell her you said hello.
-Thank you, sir.
-Let 's get to it, shall we?
-Would you bring us up to speed?
-Yes, certainly.
-You hit on the First Lady?
-I was young. She was hot.
As you know, fifteen months ago
the Chinese ignored the...
test ban treaty and detonated aseries
of underground nuclear devices.